Below is a week between dates calculator. Enter a start date and an end date and the week calculator will return the number of weeks (and days) separating the two.
Weeks Between Two Dates Calculator
Using the Week Calculator
To compute the distance in weeks and days between two dates, simply fill out the two input fields:
- First date: Enter the date to start the calculation
- Second date: Enter the end date for the calculation
Follow that up by hitting 'Calculate Weeks Difference'. Next, you'll get:
- Weeks Between: The number of weeks and days between the two dates you enter

Does the calculator include leap years?
Indeed it does! If you have one or more February 29 in your time-span we'll take it into account.
What if the first date comes after the second?
Don't worry at all, the tool will work no matter the order of dates. Enter them in whichever order you'd like.
How do you use the week calculator?
We use the week difference calculator much like we use the day difference calculator - easily benchmark overlapping times. (Also, try the weeks ago and weeks from now calculators)
With 52 weeks in a year – plus a day – week differences (or gaps) are interesting. We enjoy looking at time-spans both in weeks and in years plus days.
Time, Date, and Birthday Calculators
Got your fix of weeks in the weeks calculator? You're only seeing one tool of many!
See one of our other date, hour, or birthday calculators:
- Age difference calculator
- Age on any date calculator
- Hours difference calculator
- Days between dates calculator
- Days since a date calculator
- Day of the week calculator
Or try one of our other investment or economics tools.